Tuesday, March 12, 2013

17-Year-Old Delivers Baby on SAA Flight

Sources reported about the birth of a baby on the flight that boarded from Johannesburg for New York on Saturday. The baby was born in the South African Airways flight 203 when the 17-year-old mother went into her labor for four hours into the 16-hours long journey.
The newborn is named as Mamel Joella. The birth of the baby took place about 38,000 feet in the air over West Africa. The child will not be considered as a US citizen as he was born outside the airspace of America.

Reports suggested that the mother was immediately escorted to the front of the plane followed by a medical emergency announcement by the pilot, calling the doctors available on board. The mother and her baby were aided by an anesthesiologist Dr. Julie Williamson, 41. She was assisted by another doctor and nurse on the flight.
The doctor marked the experience as breathtaking. She reported that the baby was delivered in two pushes. The doctor was returning back from a week-long medical conference in South Africa. The doctor had last delivered a baby in medical school 15 years ago.
She said the baby is "vigorous and healthy." The mother, Kaba, and her son Mamel were stated to be doing well after the birth that they were allowed to get back to their seats.

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