Friday, January 4, 2013

Quitting smoking can lead to more kisses… and a healthier life

Everyone knows using any kind of tobacco product is dangerous and harmful.

Smoking cigarettes is especially destructive to a person’s health. This year, the American Lung Association of the Mid-Atlantic has come up with a list of delightfully unexpected reasons to make 2013 the year to quit!

Get more kisses - People who quit smoking will have fresher breath and whiter teeth, making them more appealing for more kisses. The smoke won’t linger on hands or on breath anymore.

Start a new hobby; become more productive - On average, it takes five minutes to smoke a cigarette, and if you are a pack-a-day smoker that would take 1 hour and 40 minutes of your day. Having this extra time will give the opportunity to exercise, read, play with one's children or start a new hobby.

Ignite social life - By kicking the habit of smoking, people can expect more invitations to parties and other social events. Some people, especially those with children, are hesitant to invite smokers to events at their homes. Smokers coming back inside from taking a smoke break drag in the harsh carcinogens of secondhand smoke to the party and leave filthy cigarette butts behind. No one likes that.

Taste food again - The senses of taste and smell will be stronger after quitting.

Look better - Smokers who wear contact lenses experience dry, red eyes. Once the smoke is gone, eyes will be relieved. Along with clear eyes comes hydrated skin, which means younger and healthier looks.

Quitting smoking is the best resolution for improved health and lifestyle. For resources and more information on how to quit successfully, visit

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