Thursday, October 18, 2012

Shot Pakistani schoolgirl comes out of coma

The 14 year old Pakistani activist and blogger Malala Yousufzai on Wednesday came out coma which she has been since last week.

Last week, Yousufzai was shot along with two of her classmates in retaliation for her BBC blog by the Taliban she had criticized.

The news of her attack has brought concern worldwide.

* Yousufzai flew to the United Kingdom over the weekend for further recovery after having the bullet removed from her head in Pakistan.

* The Atlantic Wire indicated that her prospects for recovery without any permanent physical damage or brain damage were good.

* She has feeling in all of her limbs, but will face rehabilitation and treatment for several months.

* The Christian Science Monitor reported that Britain’s Muslim community has held demonstrations and vigils in support of Yousufzai.

* Pakistan’s President Asif Ali Zardari said on Tuesday that “the Taliban attack on the 14-year-old girl, who from the age of 11 was involved in the struggle for education for girls, is an attack on all girls in Pakistan, an attack on education, and on all civilized people,” as noted by Seven News.

* On Friday, the U.S. State Department said that while the U.S. had discussed offering her assistance, but that they had nothing to announce at that time.

* State Department Spokesperson Victoria Nuland told reporters that “we’ve seen in the past in Pakistan that when the Taliban commits truly heinous and outrageous acts like this, it galvanizes popular opinion against them not only in the cities, but also in those towns and neighborhoods where they plot and hide. So obviously, the degree to which the Pakistani people turn against them help their government to go after them. That would be, perhaps, a silver lining from this horrible tragedy.”

* Neighboring Afghan President Hamid Karzai asked that Pakistan work harder to combat extremism, according to a report from the Associated Press.

* Outrage over the shooting led to tens of thousands of Pakistanis in Karachi showing their support for Yousufzai, another AP report indicated.

The demonstration was organized by the Muttahida Quami Movement, a party that has condemned other parties for their failure to encourage others to show their support sooner.

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