Thursday, May 3, 2012

5 insects you don’t know you are eating

In some parts of the world, insects are considered a reliable source of protein but the people who eat those bugs do so willingly, it’s a normal part of their diet. Here in Nigeria, where we’re pretty squeamish about chomping into insects, it might come as a shock to discover that, it has been estimated that the average person unintentionally eats a pound of insects every year. You might never have deliberately eaten an insect, however you have probably inadvertently consumed over a pound of insects in your lifetime. The question, how is that so, then arises? Scientists in New York have found that these insects are in fruits, vegetables, bread, canned and processed food, even in the beverages we take. It is virtually impossible that you have not ingested insects in one form or another during your lifetime. Mites: These are tiny white bugs common in wheat and other grains that have been stored for a while and in frozen vegetables. The most well studied of these mites are ‘Blomia tropicalis’, because of its abundance in tropical and subtropical regions and ‘Lepidoglyphus destructor’, which is commonly found in barns. So if you love storing grains in your cupboard for too long, you might just be compiling the number of insects you take in. Maggots: If you’ve ever eaten canned food, you’ve probably also eaten a maggot. These disgusting little critters abound in things like canned tomatoes, tomato paste, canned fish, canned meat and anything canned. The additives added to the canned food not only preserve the food but in addition make room for maggots Fruit Flies: Fruit flies are most found in over-riped mangoes, oranges and most fruits. Most times, when a consumer buys a piece of fruit covered in fruit flies, he/she washed them off . However, consume a can of citrus juice and you’ll be swilling five fruit flies with every 8-ounce cup of juice because you can’t wash off the fruit flies in the Juice. Corn Ear Worms: Corns are prone to insect infestations, but in most cases, it’s easy to avoid eating the earworms that burrow into corncobs by cutting the kernels off the cob. However, you are not that lucky with canned sweet corn. Cowpea curculio/caterpillars: A can of cowpeas, beans or any field of peas contains an average of five or more cowpea curculio larvae, which will grow into dark brown, beetle-like weevils that infest all manner of peas and beans. Caterpillars are often found in frozen spinach. That is why it is often advised to buy food items dried and cook them yourself, rather than buying them frozen or canned.

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