Tuesday, May 1, 2012

44 Nigerians repatriated from Malta

A group of 44 Nigerians were on Tuesday deported from Malta on an Air Malta charter flight. Malta, a member of the European Union, is a group of seven islands in the Mediterranean Sea. Only the three largest islands – Malta, Gozo and Comino – are inhabited. The flight which conveyed the deported Nigerians was coordinated by the Malta Home Affairs Ministry and the police. The 33 men and 11 women had requested asylum from the government of Malta based on the insecurity in Nigeria. However, Malta’s Home Affairs Ministry said that the requests of the asylum seekers were inadmissible and their appeal was not accepted since Nigeria is considered a safe country. Most of the migrants had arrived in Malta last year. They were housed in detention centres. Each deported person was escorted by two police officers. The flight to Lagos also included a medical team. The operation was carried out after Nigerian authorities sent the necessary travel documents. Most of the expenses involved were covered by the European Union. Malta’s Home Affairs Minister, Carm Mifsud Bonnici thanked the police for the success of the operation. He said Malta offered protection to those who deserved it. It also worked to relocate migrants to other countries where they could have a better future. However, those who did not qualify for protection had to be repatriated.

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