Sunday, March 25, 2012

Lagos government warns on over-exposure in the lingering heat wave

With the current excessive hot weather experienced in the country, the Lagos State Government has advised residents in the state to reduce the amount of time they spend in the sun to prevent illness as a result of the adverse weather condition. The State Commissioner for Health, Dr. Jide Idris, who gave the advice in a statement, warned that strenuous activities that could result in over-exposure to the sun such as sports and gardening must be avoided or done in the early hours of the day when the temperature is coolest. Millions of traders in Nigeria’s economic and commercial capital conduct their daily trade in the open despite the severe weather condition. The Health Commissioner, who admitted that the abnormal hot weather condition has made life uncomfortable in the past fortnight, said “continuous exposure to the condition is dangerous to health as it could lead to illness”, adding that those at risk most are children, the elderly and people who have medical problems such as Asthma as well as those on medication for certain conditions. According to the Commissioner illnesses that could result from excessive exposure to the heat condition, include heat rash, heat stress, heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke adding that while some of these could be managed, some of them would require urgent medical attention as death may occur if not promptly attended to. “Signs of illness resulting from excessive heat may include headache, dizziness, cold moist skin, fainting, confusion, nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps and rapid breathing”, the Commissioner said, pointing out that knowledge of the symptoms of the exposure could prevent illness from becoming life threatening. Call 767 0r 112 Dr Idris, advised that “people should drink plenty of water and avoid drinks containing alcohol and caffeine” and they should “wear loose fitting light-coloured clothing that cover as much of their skin as possible when outside.” Other protective measures against the heat, the Commissioner said, include using protective gadgets such as hat, umbrella, sunglasses or sunscreen, taking cold baths and leaving the water to dry on the skin. He also added that controlling the temperature of work environment by proper ventilation, staying on the lowest floor of the house, out of the sunshine and covering windows that receive sun with drapes or louvers. Further giving more pre-cautionary warning for the unpleasant weather, the Commissioner advised that “where heat injury is suspected, the victim should relocate to a cooler place and rest”, and that the person should “take off any excessive clothing and put on cool cloths on his or her skin while also fanning him or herself.” Other actions that could be taken by the victim, the Commissioner said, include drinking cool water that has salt and sugar as part of its ingredients adding that if there is no improvement, the victim should call the 767 or 112 toll free line or report at the nearest health facility.

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