Sunday, August 25, 2013

Are you just reading the Bible or living it?

If we are to be effective in the Kingdom of God we can't separate our lives from what we do in church. The vast majority of what Jesus taught was rejected. We preach what is important for the betterment of God's Kingdom and for us as well.
Our goal should be to be Biblical. What does it really say? Do we live it? Are we just reading the Bible or are we living it? Are we a part of the “church” by just attending? Attending doesn't make us to be a child of God.

If we look in scripture what does a “church” gathering look like?
The first thing that stands out would be love one another. We are to listen, chat, and see what hearts are saying. I once felt that church was for “my time with God” but I have learned that the gathering also has a priority to love one another. Time alone with God should already have happened so I show up with something for others; a tangible love with action and truth.

The second had a focus on getting the message out to others. Most have never told anyone about Him. Our testimony is to be about Him not the church we attend. Most never have discipled anyone. We should be telling others about God's way and that it works, teaching other to have faith in Him, that trading in our life for His way is better.
Thirdly, to have a dependence on the Holy Spirit, it's absolutely a necessity to be yielded.
Fourth we need to prioritize communion–breaking bread.
Fifth, gather together to pray, to come into His presence in unity, for the leading of the Holy Spirit.
If we were a people like that we could Biblically be called the church. Yes, and others would be attracted to Jesus. Why say we are followers of Christ when we don't follow Him, just attending doesn't make us followers no more than playing in a swimming pool makes us a “swimmer”. Yes we should go to church, but are we following Jesus are we really believing on Him so He is changing our lives? Are we loving people with action, are we focusing our lives on getting this message out, are we depending on the Holy Spirit or our activities? Are we having communion? Are we praying and learning how to enter His presence? Are we encouraging one another, are we doing what He commanded us to do? Is our energy set to do what He commanded; practice loving one another, serving one-another. Are we at peace with one-another? Are we showing hospitality? Do we want to serve others and bear one another's burdens? Are we showing one another that we want to forgive, submit to the concerns in the affairs of others? Are we dedicated to help, go to them speaking encouragement to them, do we want to pray for one another? We are to be mindful of one another; we are to highly esteemed one another and have fellowship with one another. Do we want to teach one another? Have we been really doing this?
Let’s strive to be more Biblical in our lives.

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