Friday, July 6, 2012

Relationship between food and your skin

You are what you eat, putting your best face forward starts with putting the right ingredients in your mouth. “The same foods that are good for your health are good for your skin.

Load up on nutritious meals and snacks, like sweet potatoes, mangoes, and canned tuna. Experts say these foods will do as much for your appearance as your inner health.

• Tomatoes:- They provide red pigments and healthy benefits, which helps eliminate skin-aging free radicals caused by ultraviolet rays—in other words, protecting against sun damage. To reap the most benefits, heat them up: A half-cup of cooked tomatoes, for example, packs 16 milligrams of lycopene. A daily dose coupled with sunscreen will help block the burn.

• Fruits:- Load up some fruits in your system like, Mangoes, papaya, Apricot, are full of pigment called carotenoids, which are stored in the layer of fat directly beneath the skin and can improve color.

• Canned Tuna:- It’s packed with selenium, a nutrient that preserves elastin, which keeps skin smooth and tight. Selenium also prevents free radicals that are produced by UV rays from damaging skin cells, protecting against sun damage.

• Safflower Oil:- If you have a dry, itchy or flaky skin. This cooking oil doubles as a moisturizer. It contains omega-6 fatty acids, which keeps the cell walls supple, allowing water to reach the skin.

• Sweet Potatoes:- They’re full of vitamin C, which smoothens wrinkles by stimulating the production of collagen. Research say regular eating of sweet potatoes reduces 11 percent of wrinkles.

• Mussels. If you’re not getting enough iron, your skin will turn pale and pasty, Ansel says. The solution? Iron-rich choices like mussels. One 3-ounce serving delivers a third of the daily recommended amount.

• Spinach. Want to protect yourself against skin cancer? People who ate the most spinach developed half as many skin tumors over 11 years as those who ate the smallest amount. That’s likely because the foliate in spinach helps maintain and repair DNA, reducing the likelihood of cancer-cell growth.

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