Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Oteh wins another term as chairperson of regional securities

The Director-General of Nigeria’s Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Arunma Oteh on Monday was unanimously returned un-opposed as chairperson of the African/Middle East Regional Committee (AMERC) of International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO). Ms Oteh’s re-election took place at the on-going 37th annual conference/meeting of IOSCO in Beijing, China. The Vice-Chairman of the regional committee, Hassan Boulaknadal, who is also the Chief Executive Officer of the Moroccan capital market regulatory authority, was also returned unopposed. A statement from SEC said in view of the new strategic direction of the IOSCO, Ms Oteh and Mr Boulaknadal automatically become members of its Transitional Board, the highest policy making body of the Organisation. Ms Oteh had served as chairperson of AMERC for a two year term, before re-contesting the position for another term. The statement quoted some of the delegates who participated at the election as saying Ms Oteh’s unanimous return by the 22 member countries of AMERC was due to the visionary leadership which she has provided the committee since becoming chairperson in 2010. “Specifically, the AMERC chairperson has remained committed to the actualisation of an enduring vision for the region in concert with the goals and objectives of IOSCO. Her efforts have also resulted in improved capacity, communication, cooperation and visibility for the region within the IOSCO community,” a delegate was quoted in the statement to have said. IOSCO was established in 1983 as the standard setter for the securities industry worldwide and its membership regulates more than 95 per cent of the world’s securities markets in over 110 jurisdictions.

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