Saturday, May 12, 2012

Fattest cat in the world dies of Obesity

A CAT that got international attention for tipping the scales at almost 18 kilograms is dead. The world’s fattest cat whose name is Meow dies as a result of Pulmonary Failure and weight complications. Meow, who was two-years-old, was taken to the shelter last month after his 87-year-old owner could no longer take care of him. The cat who weighed over 39 pounds was put on a special diet by the Santa Fe Animal Shelter, and had started doing well when they realized he was having breathing problems. According to the Shelters veterinarian, Meow was gradually losing weight by eating a special diet but his symptoms worsened and he died. Before Meow’s death he was the fattest cat in the world according to the Guinness book of Record.

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