Wednesday, April 25, 2012

It’s high time you got rid of your pot belly

For those who think that ‘having a potbelly’ is a sign of good living, global medical reports have shown pot bellies (abnormal belly fat) are not something to be proud of. Nobody grows a pot belly overnight, it gradually results from poor feeding habits or choosing the wrong types of food. According to experts, potbellies are mostly caused by accumulation of fat around the abdominal area; here are some of the ways to burn down such fats to get of the pot bellies. 1. Embrace the habit of eating raw fruits, vegetables and lean proteins regularly. Lean proteins like lean meat, egg and low-fat dairy products, beans and fruits help to burn up the fat around the abdomen and keep the body’s blood sugar stable by making one feel fuller and burning down belly fat. 2. Avoid highly-carbonated foods or fatty foods (especially anything fried), go for high-fibre or ‘watery’ foods instead. The body processes high-fibre or watery foods easily and they also provide all the nutrients you need to lose fat. For instance, it is advisable to eat whole-grain bread instead of white bread. The same goes for pasta, cereal, and other baked foods. 3. Learn to say No to processed foods such as snacks, candies and sodas. Soft drinks contain low-quality calories and should be also avoided. 4. Flush out the habit of having dinner late, instead always have dinner at least two hours before going to bed. This is the period when the human body is at rest and less active. 5. Always and always drink water. Never let a day pass you by without drinking at least 8 to 10 glasses of water 6. If you are a lover of alcohol then you would have to reduce your consumption of alcoholic drinks 7. Exercise regularly, walk as much as you can or meet a fitness specialist to find an exercise that suits you. Always develop a proper posture by standing erect and sitting straight, it helps. More importantly, try exercising your Transversus Abdominus Muscle (TAM). The TAM, is the muscle in your abdomen that holds your stomach in giving you the flat belly look. This muscle acts like a corset around your tummy by holding your tummy in but when the muscle becomes weak, your belly will expand easily thus making your tummy looking much bigger. This is one of the reasons why people have pot belly, beer belly or tummy fat.

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