Monday, April 2, 2012

Chinese twins seek ‘sex change’

Two young Chinese women undergoing sex-change surgery at a Shanghai hospital are hoping to be the first twins in the country to change their gender. The 25-year-old sisters from the southwestern province of Yunnan have already undergone preliminary surgery at a military hospital in the commercial hub, the Shanghai Daily, a state newspaper reported. “The operations on both the twins are successful,” their surgeon, Zhao Yede, was quoted as saying. “They said they would continue to save up (money) from hard work so they can return for their respective last phases of surgery,” he said. The paper quoted one of the twins as saying they did not want any publicity, fearing they would lose their jobs. The two sisters dress in male clothing, never wearing skirts or growing their hair long, the newspaper said. They both attended the same schools and university. The hospital put them through medical and psychological tests before agreeing to perform the surgeries, it said. Under Chinese law, their legal gender will remain female until they complete the surgical procedures and apply for a change to their status, the newspaper said.

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