Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Michelle Obama to attend Olympic Games opening

First Lady Michelle Obama says she will lead the U.S. delegation to the opening ceremonies of the London Olympics in July. Obama announced her London trip at an event on Tuesday with Samantha Cameron, the wife of visiting British Prime Minister David Cameron. “As the Olympic creed states, ‘the most important thing … is not to win, but to take part.’ And that doesn’t just mean sitting and watching, it means getting up and getting active as well,” the first lady said. Michelle disclosed that in the months ahead, she will be talking to Americans all across the country to encourage even more young people to tap into that Olympic spirit and turn their inspiration into action. The White House will announce in coming months the delegates who will accompany Obama to London. Other first ladies have led a presidential delegation to past Olympic Games. The 2012 Summer Olympic Games’ opening ceremony will take place on July 27.

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