Friday, March 2, 2012


“For God loved the world so much that He gave His Only Son.” John 3:16

Why do I buy gifts for people? This is a question I have often asked myself. My aim has been to please and make happy those for whom I am buying the gifts, but so often I am unsure if the gift will actually be what they wanted. I feel like havePile of gorgeous gifts failed when I see the expression of disappointment on their faces.

Through the years and especially this year I have struggled with the whole idea of giving gifts if I suspect the recipient won’t like it. Should I bother spending the money?

Another thing I struggle with is should I buy a gift at all because most North Americans have so much more than we need.

This year I have talked to the Lord a lot about giving gifts to those we love. And He has given me a new perspective. He reminded me that He loved us so much that He gave His most precious gift – His Son. Not because we deserved it, or were overjoyed with the Gift. He gave because He loved us.

Most of us don’t appreciate the Gift very often, many people don’t believe in the Gift at all. Some reject the Gift. But God doesn’t stop loving us even when we are ungrateful (even though He values our gratitude). When we are ready to receive the Gift. He fills us with the most amazing joy, peace and love–He has been waiting to give it to us.

I asked God, “How does what You have done for us relate to my gift giving?” Simple answer. Give gifts because you love not because they deserve it or need it or appreciate it. The greatest gift we can give anyone is our love.

And if they don’t like the gift? Then God will grant us the grace to love them still.

Father, thank you for giving us your precious gift, Jesus Christ. We didn’t deserve it, nor are we thankful enough for this Gift. But you love us still. Now would you please give us hearts to give precious gifts to our loved ones because we love them, not because we want to be appreciated. Amen.

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